We have some mysterious colors at CSI this week : ) Come on in and take a look,
and see what the design team has made out of it.
Here is my take on this task:
I have used cloud accent and metal as Evidence,
and Document a story about motherhood as Testimony.
Here is a little sneak peek of the task. Come on in and see the rest : )
And.............well, today is a special day for me; It`s my birthday.
And not only that....eh....! It`s the end of my thirties.....
Yes! I am 40 today. And I have to admit; it feels a bit strange : )
Well, happy birthday to me ! : ) And I wish you all a nice weekend.

and Document a story about motherhood as Testimony.
Here is a little sneak peek of the task. Come on in and see the rest : )
And.............well, today is a special day for me; It`s my birthday.
And not only that....eh....! It`s the end of my thirties.....
Yes! I am 40 today. And I have to admit; it feels a bit strange : )
Well, happy birthday to me ! : ) And I wish you all a nice weekend.
Happy birthday!
The fine LO!
Så flott lo. Du er så flink til å lage en historie av dine bilder. Gratulerer SÅ mye med dagen! Gleder meg til scrapperally.
Sees snart.
Klem fra Vibeke
gratulerer med dagen idag :)
Happy Birthday, Brit! Hope you will have a great day!!! Thanks for all great ideas and inspiration you share with us! Hugs from Ireland :) kissinia, xxx
sga sei, ingen hvit bazzil! Kjemekul var den, herlig bilde :)
Denne er jo berre heilt fantastisk! Fargane stod perfekt til bildene:-) gratulera med overstått:-D
Ah yes, 1972...I share the same year and I completely understand;D Happy happy birthday to you! I love your fun artistic page!
Bare digger den røde veggen, skyene med dråpene og tittelen :)))
Nydelig som alltid Brit! Brukte deler av helgas treff til å prøve meg på en av utfordringene deres :-) Klem
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