Saturday 25 February 2012

CSI, Skissedilla & AJ

Here are some new layouts and an art journal from me. 
I have been sick for about 10 days, so it was so good to feel better now 
and to start making things again. It`s therapy ! : )
This is my take on case #8 at CSI
As evidence I have used: stars, liquid mediums and I have also cut a slit in my embellishment
to let it sit on the edge of an element.
As testimony: The star of the show.
This is my contribution for Skissedillas sketch #151. It`s Carrin that made the sketch this time.
Come on in and play with us : )
This is an AJ I made for the February AJ-challenge at CasaKreativ.

Have a nice weekend everyone : )

Monday 13 February 2012

Skissedilla og Papirfesten

Nå har vi kommet til skisse #150 inne hos Skissedilla : ) Det er Carrin som har laget denne lekre skissen. 
Håper dere blir med og "leker" litt med oss : )

We are now at sketch #150 at Skissedilla : ) It`s Carrin that made this great sketch.
Hope you come along and "play" with us : )

I helgen var jeg på Papirfesten i Stavanger, og det var kjempegøy.
Jeg må bare få takke May Lis og Grethe m/hjelpere for et fantastisk arrangement.
Dere er kjempeflinke! Og tusen takk for at dere vill ha meg som kursholder.
Det setter jeg veldig stor pris på : )
Jeg holdt to forskjellige kurs. Det ene heter "Storybook", og det andre "Håndarbeid".
Under kan dere se LOene som ble brukt.

This weekend I was at Papirfesten (crop event) in Stavanger, and it was so much fun.
They really had made a fantastic crop.
I had two classes there, and below you can see the layouts I used.



Jeg fikk ikke laget så mye selv, men LOen til Skissedilla og denne AJen ble det iallefall : )

I didn`t get to make so much myself, but at least I managed to do the layout
for Skissedilla and this AJ : )

Til slutt må jeg bare få sende en liten hilsen til mine kjære bordkamerater:
Linda, Eva, Bente, Caroline og Hilde - Tusen takk for kjempekoselige timer!
Håper vi ses igjen om ikke så altfor lenge : )

Saturday 11 February 2012

CSI #6

Dagene flyr! Nå er det allerede tid for ny oppgave hos CSI :)
Elsker fargene denne gangen! Under kan dere se hvordan min LO ble.

Time flies! It`s already time for the next case at CSI :)
I just LOVE the colours this time! Below you can see my take on the challenge.

I was really inspired by the bright colours, and was thinking about sunsets right away ;)
I have used something shiny: transparent for the window,
Woodgrain: the tree,
Metals: ballchain round one of the boxes
For my journaling I used transparent, and I used the words clear and shine.

Nå skal jeg på Papirfesten, hvor jeg skal holde to kurs.
Blir spennende : ) Gleder meg til å møte mange kjekke scrappe-damer : )

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Designteam call hos Skissedilla

For aller første gang åpner vi for en Designteam call!

Det betyr at akkurat du kan bli en del av designteamet her på Skissedilla og ha muligheten til både inspirere og bli inspirert ennå mer enn det du er i dag.
Skissedilla åpnet 20. mars 2009, og det betyr at vi på teamet har laget en god del skisser siden den gang. 149 stk + det vi har hatt av ekstraskisser, jubileer osv.

Vi er Norges første og største skisseutfordringsblogg, og det har vi tenkt å fortsette med!

DT skisse

For the first time we are opening for a Design Team call!

This means that just you could be a part of desgnteamet here on Skissedilla and have the ability to both inspire and be inspired even more than you are today.
We are looking for two new scrappers and we are looking for creativity and individuality. We want both Norwegian and foreign scrappers! Only 12x12 layouts or letter size.

Skissedilla posted the first sketch 29 March 2009, and that means we have been dooing some work since. 149 + layouts and we have had the extra sketches, anniversaries, etc.

We are the first and largest sketch challenge blog in Norway, and we are going to continue with that!

You are enthusiastic, creative and have unique style.
You are very loyal and hardworking and have good knowledge of blogging, and have your own blog.
You also have good knowledge of photography and use of data in general.
You must be faithful and be prepared to be a member for minimum of a year! Minimum 2 contributions per month.
You must be aware that there are costs in the form of a package to the one winner the week you have your sketch.
You must have access to Facebook since we have our own side.

Send us 
-a bio about yourself, profilphoto 
-link to galleries, blog, etc. 
-send us a layout you think best will represent your style as a scrapper. 
-tell us why just you are right for Skissedilla!
-photo of the layout you have made for the DT sketch

by March 1st. to

Sunday 5 February 2012

Skissedillaskisse #149

Ny skisse ligger ute inne hos oss på Skissedilla. Og denne gangen er det jeg som har laget den.
Og så har vi fått med oss superdyktige Jaszmurka fra Polen som vår nye SUS.
Dere må ta en titt inn hos oss og se den supre LOen hun har laget. Wow!
Så kom og bli med oss på den nye skissen!

There`s a new sketch out on Skissedilla. And this time I made it.
We have been so lucky to have the supertalented Jaszmurka from Poland 
with us as our new SUS this month.
You have to take a look at the great layout she made ! Wow!
So come visit us, and join us at this week`s sketch.

Saturday 4 February 2012

CSI #5

Da var det tid for oppgave #5 hos CSI.
Denne gangen er det ganske friske farger. Bare ta en titt på oppgaven under.
Her har dere min løsning på oppgaven.

It`s time for case #5 at CSI.
This time we have pretty bright colors. Just take a look at the challenge below.
Here is my take on the challenge.

Jeg har brukt fargene i paletten.
Som "evidence" har jeg brukt: frame, cutting tool og border of small elements.
Som "testimony" har jeg brukt: Backstory

I have used the colors in the palette.
As evidence I used: frame, cutting tool and border of small elements.
As testimony I used the backstory.

Hvis dere ikke er medlem hos CSI enda, stikk innom og registrer deg :)
Det er veldig morsomme oppgaver.

If you`re not a member at CSI yet, come on in and get registered. 
The cases are so much fun.