As you maybe know, I am at the DT of the English scrapbooking magazine Scrap365.
It`s a great magazine where you can find lots of inspiration.
So take a look at their web page for more information, and also to find out how to subscribe.
They also have a blog where you can find tips, news, gallery calls and much more.
And some months ago they also started their own sketch challenge blog.
So go on and visit their pages. You will guaranteed find lots of inspiration.
Here are some of the things I have made for Scrap365 :
"Use the waste paper after punching"
January issue 2012:
"Gallery: A new beginning"
February issue 2012:
This was a step-by-step tutorial.
March issue 2012:
"Gallery: A splash of paint"
April issue 2012:
" Use masks/stencil in different ways."
May issue 2012:
"Photo display made of sponsored material."
"Gallery: Paris"
June issue 2012:
"Photo focus. A colour treat."
"Off the page scrapping/AJ. Home sweet home."
July issue 2012:
"Gallery: Around the world."
" Make a page for under £3."
Hope you will check out Scrap365, if you haven`t already done it ;)
It`s really a great magazine!

Hope you will check out Scrap365, if you haven`t already done it ;)
It`s really a great magazine!
Utrolig mange flotte layouts og AJ sider. En unik stil fra en unik og veldig kreativ dame ;-)
Yes, I have issue #1 and I still turn to it for inspiration! Your work is really stupendous!!!
Her var det mage kule, flotte , søte og kreative LO/AJ sider.Har sett noen før men den øverste jule LOen er jo bare helt rålekker. Det blir så bra når du klipper ut bildene og setter de inn i en "scene"
Fy søren kor flotte sider du har laga! Den jule LOen var heilt nyyydelig:-)
Oj oj oj vilken flod av kreativitet Brit! du är bara helt makalöst inspirerande Brit! Jag skulle kunna titta på alla dessa och dem till CHA hur länge som helst. Jaaa FY SÖREN vad du är skicklig!!! puss puss puss
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